Michelle Schneider
Media Director
In 2017, I graduated from CSULB with a B.A. in Child Development and started a teaching credential program. Towards the end, I felt I was not meant to be a teacher and decided to take a leave of absence. During that time, the Lord grew me tremendously in learning to trust in His plans and led me to become the Youth and Media Intern in 2018. After serving for two years and graduating from CSUDH with an M.S. in School Counseling, I became both a School Counselor for LBUSD and the GVBC Media Director in 2021.
I love creativity, whether expressed through photography, videography, editing, etc. Additionally, I love learning about others, listening to their stories, and just simply spending time with people. My prayer is that the media at GVBC can be used to help connect the multiple generations in our church body and to communicate the faithful work God is doing here.