Susan Wakuta
Kids Director
It is a joy being the KIDS CHURCH Elementary Director since October 2009. I grew up going to GVBC Sunday School through college. Following 15 years of teaching Sunday School, working 9 years as a paralegal and 10 years as a social worker, God called me to my new position. My passion is for children to know how much God loves them and wants a personal relationship. I look forward to partnering with parents in the spiritual development of their children. I’m a UCLA Bruin. My husband, Layne, and I enjoy going to our “happy place” Disneyland and finding interesting local places to explore. I have been married to my best friend since 1999 and we have an amazing young adult daughter, Kaci, who we welcomed into our family when she was 14. My life verse is “…love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life….” Deuteronomy 30:20